Crime and Traffic Laws

Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall by called the children of God. -- Matthew 5:9

Much of the work we do every day involves general law enforcement duties on patrol. While on duty, our deputies look for violations of the law. We conduct traffic stops and issue citations to speeders. We stop people suspected of illegal activity and investigate or monitor suspicious people, unusual situations or safety hazards. If we identify a suspect or criminal, we pursue and arrest the person. Because our deputies wear the uniform, they’re visible representatives of law enforcement.

While on patrol, we respond to emergencies and calls for service. We give first aid or other assistance to accident victims or to others with physical injuries. When a crime or accident is called in, we report to the scene as soon as possible to determine the cause of the accident or to determine if someone has committed a crime.

We enforce the law.

The law serves many purposes and functions in society. Four principal purposes and functions are establishing standards, maintaining order, resolving disputes and protecting liberties and rights. The law is a guidepost for minimally acceptable behavior in society. Laws prevent or deter people from behaving in a manner that negatively affects the quality of life of other people, therefore the consequences of breaking the law often fit the crime. Enforcing criminal laws to secure the rights of all citizens is perhaps the most fundamental function of a government.

This section of our website was created to provide information about the laws our deputies enforce and the consequences of breaking those laws. There is also a detailed explanation of the criminal process and information about the Crime Victims' Bill of Rights.